I also called Jason, the IT guy who picked me up last night, as he said he'd be able to take me to the border, possibly even across. He is either going to take me to the bridge in his company truck, and Ill walk(still somewhat difficult, story wise) or in his car, which we would then just drive across together, and it wouldn't be a problem. I call him tmrw at 6am, and either way, he's gonna get me somewhere close to the melting pot that is the United States.
While at the phone, I had a group of shady looking kids come up, and tell me I look familiar. Weird, as Ive just spent my first 14 hours ever in St Catherines...
They asked if I wanted to make some money, and told me about the iPhone scam they have going....False info, with a legit ID to get an iPhone and contract. They told me they've done it loads, and even had one in a Telus bag they just schemed to prove it. I said thanks but no thanks, as it was the shadier than a Bonsai tree at high noon. I guess it's worked for them; they all had iPhones, and were going back to get another, but I was just screaming inside to give these kids some advice. I felt like Uncle Joey, and telling them to "cut, it, out" complete with the hand gestures. They thought I was crazy to do what I was doing, and here I was thinking they were absolutely bonkers doing their plans....
Different strokes for different folks I guess....

Today Im in St Kitts, chilling with Lahey like it was 2001, and planning my border jump. Tonight will relaxed, some more street soccer, FIFA 2010, and maybe a few pints. Tmrw is an early morning, I call Jason at 6am to meet him for the land of stars and stripes.....
Ill try to have some cool photos up later..