I cant even say anything back. Its true, not laziness, but slack. Ive been uber busy, and this life is so demanding, mix that with the unpredictability of my Internet connections; I get days behind on the blog.
Well, you're all going to be super disappointed, and some of you have already noticed I removed a post of my time in Naples, FL.
I tried my best to leave out details, and still portray the experience I had with D and B, but was asked to remove it.
It was a full week, and although SO much had happened, Im unfortunately confined to keeping it discreet. I could post about how lovely a time it was, but the guys were so much cooler than that. Yes I saw and did tons that I could write about, but I want to do them justice.
I met them at a restaurant in Jacksonville, shared beers and laughs, and they took me to a friends condo nearby, where we chilled out, and passed out after a movie.
They were planning to stay in Jacksonville a few days, but since they met me, decided to head home to Naples, and take me with them. I stayed a week with B. B is the man, simply put. He had an amazing home, and opened his guest suite to me. It was a luxurious distraction from my unpredictable trip. He showed me his home spot, and I got to enjoy the warm Florida sunshine, and all of the accompanying benefactors. He linked me with a friend who took me out on a boat for lunch and some bar hopping. It was so much fun aside from the rain. One evening, D held a dinner party in my honour, and I got to meet their crew of cool people. It was alot of fun, we just got to hang out and it was like just chilling with buddies from home. I knew I should have been on the road, getting to Miami, but they were such a fun distraction, and a luxurious one at that! We had gone out once or twice and I got to enjoy the VIP lifestyle, bottle service in the clubs, and a worry free life. It was funny brushing shoulders in the clubs with some of the wealthiest mo-fo's around, and 2 days prior I was hitching on the I-95, wondering when and how I would be eating and sleeping. Snap of a finger I was in one of the trendiest clubs, drinking expensive vodka in a VIP booth, absorbing jealous stares from mucho affluent people. Life is funny like that.
We would do whatever during the days, relax, shop, tour around, grab a bite here and there, and it was great. D and B were home away from home, and cooler than cool.
If I could put it into words, Ill use Homeward Bound as an analytical example.(Please tell me you kids remember that movie)
B was like Shadow, the calmer, D was Chance, the wired, crazy one.
D was hilarious, and full of friggen energy. Saturday came and they decided it was finally time we would go to Miami. We drove down Alligator Alley; the highway that runs laterally across the penis-shaped state.(Thats right, I said it)
We got into Boca Raton, a beach town just north of 'the Magic City'. We checked into the Hilton, and let the drinks roll. We cracked the 7 and 7s and let it chose the events of the evening. We went out for dinner at a posh spot on the beach, which was also a nightclub. Its so cool in Miami, because some clubs are right on the beach, or water. Kids were drinking on boats, partying in the sand, and it was awesome. Beats the ice and snow in Canada any day(although I go through spells of missing it terribly) We grew tired of the place and left for another. After a night of clubbing, we went back to the hotel, ordered pizza and passed out. Hard.
I awoke on the floor, still dressed in my evening gown, and downed some water and cold pizza. There was a golf course next to the hotel, and we all had a good laugh harassing the old folks working on their back swing. They certainly didn't find it as funny as we did.
We partied yet another night, and checked out one spot, Blue Martinis. A swanky joint with a valet full of Rolls Royce's and a club full of Versace clad girls and greasy dudes in Ed Hardy. Mmmm my favourite. After sucking down a bottle of Vodka, we split and headed to downtown Miami. A blurry night, Miami does not sleep. Literally. The bars stay open til noon, and they remain full until then. I don't know how they do it, I was knackered and ready for bed at 11, but had no choice except to soldier on until well past sunrise. We packed up the hotel, which looked like a bomb had gone off in it, and headed into downtown Miami.
South Beach Miami is a strip full of trendy hotels, trendy bars, and trendy people. It was fine while I was with the boys, living carefree. I would soon learn how incredibly inhospitable Miami is when I am back to my reality.
We went and had our final lunch together at the Anglers a very cool spot in the heart of the city. If ever there, get the Banana pancakes, topped with Nutella and fresh strawberries. Yea, I know....
One of B's friends that lived in Miami met us, and invited me to stay with her for the evening. We went back to A's condo and it was there we said our goodbyes. D being the baller he is bought me some phone cards, among the million other things the boys grabbed for me.
It was time to part ways with the boys.
I had just spent a week of epicness, and it was pretty sucky to leave them. They were so cool and welcoming, and made sure I was always having a blast. I had so much fun and did so much cool stuff I cant even write about it. James Bond styles.
Yes I know, what the hell, you spent a week somewhere and wont talk about it?
So it was time to leave the baller boys and carry on this project I had almost forgotten about. We kept it brief, slapped hands, and parted. There will be another time which the party continues....
A postcard I found for all of you guys back home! Had to do it....