In exchange for the tattoo, I passed out flyers for a few hours promoting the store. Jason had no problem hooking it up, and again, BIG thanks to the crew down there. Oh, p.s. its where alot of the Miami Heat players get their ink done, and while I was there TWO players were in the shop, and I got my picture with them and their massive dogs. Ill post those too.
I saw the alpine explorer on an old book about Everest, which I found in an little book shoppe in Ottawa, and freehanded onto a piece of paper. I loved the outline as soon as I saw it. Its an Amundsen-esque alpine climber, with his ice axe on the summit. It reminds me to never stop exploring, and always push your boundaries.
Its not the best picture, Ill upload another when I get the chance.
Hope you all ryke it!