They usually say it as their initial reaction when Ive just told them I'm hitching the world. Well Chris McCandless-who I have read extensively on- was slightly different. Like I said, it doesn't bother me, and I usually correct them, and let them know the slight difference between the young man who ditched everything to live simply in the Alaskan wilderness to find himself, and separate from society. I am also an adventurous minded young man, however completing several projects while trying to propel myself into a career path using this as an initial platform.
In fact, I'm being very realistic, and you will see in a few posts what I'm referring to....
It differs between the people who say it, some are being interested, some curious, some believe I am just like the kid, some think I'm crazy, some are just ignorant.
Ive had a spring breaker yell "Yo, into the wild!!" from a passing car while his Kanye West CD blared over the speakers of his Mother's Nissan Altima. Fuck. You.

Actually, don't answer that.