I am currently on the road, hitchhiking around the world shooting a documentary, or twelve. I am hoping to inspire those around me through unorthodox, and sometimes extreme methods of living. I have decided that in order to accurately measure and also to enable the best possible footage I will not spend a single dollar on food, shelter, transportation or anything personal for the next full year, and only sustain on what has been generously and spontaneously provided for me.
After witnessing enough negative behaviour in complete strangers to complete strangers to last a lifetime, I have decided to set out to accomplish many things. Prove the world is not such a nasty place full of untrustworthy people, open the minds of society that anything is possible, and that a new friend or opportunity is just a conversation away. When common courtesy seems to have evaded us in 2010, I am setting out in search of the good in the human race. Where have all the good people gone?
I will use my social skills, resourceful thinking and life experiences to accomplish a highly controversial move; travel the globe on less than $500 and breakdown every sterotype and false perception. Its going to be tough sometimes, but I know that what is waiting for me will rock the socks off of everyone reading this. Just wait 'til you see the videos.....

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

If a friend told you to jump off the balcony, would you do it?

I guess blame peer pressure...

Getting ready to jump the 20+ stairs at my buddies' house. Id always wanted to do it, its deceivingly high, and the snowbanks were soft, and perfectly aligned. A little too soft, as I went through one of them and got really bad whiplash, as my head snapped forward on my last jump, off the railing(the photos were on another camera, they'll be posted shortly)
Dangerous? Yes. Painful? Quite. Stupid? Very. Worth it? Mes oui!!

"Hey Nathan, you're SO extreme man, whoooa jumping off stairs into snow, like totally life on the edge".
I know, I know, thanks, I thought you might say that.
Well I have a few photos that show just how high it is, and how it would make you think twice, or thrice. And I was really bored, and wanted to get the blood flowing...